Elementary School Counseling
The Elementary School Counseling team focuses on services that address the academic, personal/social, and college/career development of our students. CAP’s Elementary School Counseling program is a collaborative effort between the counselors, families and school staff to create an environment that maximizes student achievement and helps all students have a positive school experience. The counseling team provides services that include individual and small group counseling, conflict resolution counseling, crisis intervention and social emotional classroom lessons focusing on conflict resolution, friendship making skills, and positive communication. School Counselors also coordinate classroom presentations by outside agencies that include topics such as healthy relationships, personal boundaries, digital decision making and much more. The team also assists in coordination of school-wide events drawing awareness to college and career readiness, drug and alcohol prevention and bullying prevention.
Other services Offered:
Social Work Services
Our School Social Worker consults and collaborates with educational stakeholders, parents and community resources in areas that impact student learning. Their primary role is to advocate for students and identify and assess student’s needs and provide case management services. CAP’s Social Worker provides supportive case management for at-risk youth, referrals to community agencies for support and resources and promotes collaboration among community health, mental health and welfare service providers. Our goal is to facilitate easier access to these services for students and families.
Truancy Prevention and Outreach
Chronic absence is a combination of factors that include school, family, and community. Improving student attendance is critical for ensuring our students are on track to learn and succeed. Our Truancy Counselor/Officer develops attendance intervention plans for at risk youth and works with the Counseling and Social Work team to identify barriers to on time attendance.
For more information on CAP’s Truancy Policy: CLICK HERE
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