Board of Trustees
Our mission is to effectively serve urban youth in search of a positive school experience in a supportive environment. CAP is dedicated to the whole child and believes that education is not just acquiring facts and skills but having the emotional and stable capacity to apply them in the real world. CAP is dedicated to offering quality education while also responding to the non-academic student issues that can have a significant impact on academic and overall emotional/social functioning.
It is the function of the Board of School Trustees to assure that our mission is met in a legal, professional and responsible manner.
Responsibilities and Authority of the Board
The express statutory authority of Charter School Trustees is found in Section 1716-A "Powers of the board of trustees" of Act 22 of 1997, The Charter School Law. The board of trustees of a charter school shall have the authority to decide matters related to the operation of the school, including, but not limited to, budgeting, curriculum and operating procedures, subject to the school's charter. The board shall have the authority to employ, discharge, and contract with necessary professional and nonprofessional employees subject to the school's charter and the provisions of the Charter school Law. No member of a local board of school directors of a school entity (the School District of Philadelphia) shall serve on the board of trustees of a charter school that is located in the member's district. The board of trustees shall comply with the act of July 3, 1986 (P.L. 388, No.84), known as the "Sunshine Act."
Organization and Officers of the Board
The Community Academy of Philadelphia (CAP) has a Board of Trustees traditionally made up of nine voting members* of which at least one (1) shall be a parent of a currently enrolled child(ren); one (1) shall be the Chief Executive Officer, who is by the By-Laws an Ex-Officio, non-voting member and is by tradition the Board Secretary, and one (1) member shall be an alumnus(a) of The Community High School or Community Academy of Philadelphia Charter School. In addition, the Board elects from its membership for terms of one year, a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary Ex-Officio (non-voting). At the Annual Meeting held each year in September, the Board elects its officers for the upcoming year and reaffirms or elects the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The incumbent officers of the Board are Board Chair, Wendy Williams, MSW; Vice-Chair, Jesus Vasquez, MIS; Treasurer, Rachel Ishmail, MBA; and Secretary Ex-Officio (non-voting), Alberta P. O’Brien, EdD (CAPCS' CEO). The Executive Committee, made up of the Officers as stated above, is the only standing committee established by the By-Laws, but there are four (4) standing committees established by the Board. The other standing Committees are the Education Committee chaired by Board Member, Marangeli Osoria (and created as a co-committee with the school administration co-chaired by the Chief Academic Officer, Elizabeth McCluskey, EdD), the Finance Committee co-chaired by Treasurer, Rachel Ishmail, MBA and CFO, Aykema Mabery, MBA, MAcc-- the Finance Committee has two (2) sub-committees: Budget and Audit; the Safety Committee co-chaired by Board Member (Vacant) and Dean of Students (discipline, school climate, and safety), Julia Jimenez, MS, and the Expulsion Committee chaired by the Board Chair, Wendy Williams or her delegate. The Board may from time to time create and assign ad hoc committees to address specific issues that may come before the Board. The Chair is an Ex-Officio member of all committees. Also, attending all board meetings is CAO, Elizabeth McCluskey, EDD; CFO, Aykema Mabery, MBA, MAcc; Executive Assistant to CEO, Kianna DelValle, MBA. Legal counsel from Duane Morris LLC is present at all public meetings.
* The By-Laws allow the Board to be made up of 3-15 voting members.
Anyone who wishes to address the board may do so for 3 minutes during the board meeting. Please make a request three business days before the meeting. Contact Ms. Kianna DelValle at [email protected] to be placed on the schedule. The list in the tab “Board Meetings” indicates the regular meetings of the board. Any additional special board meetings will be announced there, at least five business days prior to the meeting.
The Board of School Trustees does not keep regular office hours, but are accessible and can be contacted via e-mail, or mailed letter. They are also available to speak to groups and organizations. The main school board office phone number is (215) 533-6700 and the fax number is (215) 533-6722.